Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's been awhile.....again.

Oops, I've been so remiss in blogging lately. I really need to be better about getting on here and telling everyone about my fiber adventures, can you ever forgive me?

Well enough groveling, let me update you on all that I've been up to lately! I can really sum it up in one word; SPINNING! Yes, that's right I've been bitten by the fiber bug and I have a lovely pile of hand spun yarn to show for it. Part of the reason for my new-found fiber obsession is being able to sample a variety of fibers and fiber preparation through the Phat Fiber box each month. If you have not heard of Phat Fiber let me clue you in to a great idea! By scrambling (aka purchasing) for a box each month lucky recipients get a sample box with 20+ samples of fiber, yarn, stitch markers, buttons, patterns, and all other handmade products out there that are knitting related.

With all the hand spun yarn piling up in my stash I've been toying with the idea of opening up shop. It might be nice to sell a few things I've created and the extra money could help feed my fiber addiction. Artfire seems to be a nice venue for on-line selling without all the fees charged by etsy and ebay. I'll keep everyone posted on that venture.

I am eagerly awaiting my spinning wheel and will save a post all on it's own for that story. But, needless to say once the wheel arrives I'll really be cranking out the yarn!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spinning Spinning Spinning

I've found a new outlet for my fibery creativity. With some of my Christmas money I bought a couple of drop spindles and some fiber and I am now teaching myself to spin. It's a wonderful hobby and great skill to know. Pictures will be posted soon.